FORGED A Guide to Becoming a Blacksmith
Blacksmithing, “The king of trades,” is arguably the most enduring craft known to man, a craft virtually synonymous with humankind’s progress since the Bronze Age. This book breaks down blacksmithing’s fascinating, if somewhat daunting, skill set into attainable fundamentals that show you how to become an accomplished smith. My goal is not to teach you how to make a hook or a knife. Rather, I focus on the core aim of becoming a successful blacksmith or weekend hobbyist. What results is a collection of paramount blacksmithing practices and lessons, distilling what I and others have learned over many years. In this book, I aim both to motivate you, and to educate you concerning the nuances of starting a shop and becoming a blacksmith (without breaking the bank). You will learn how much space is needed for a shop, and what you can expect that amount of space to do for you in terms of quantity and quality of output. You will also learn which tools are essential, and which are a luxury, as well as how much these tools cost, where to acquire them, and how long it will take to acquire them. Safety and ergonomic practices are a must in the shop, and a section in this book reflects this with appropriate “real world” safety education. But what about the most important question? How to teach yourself? Have you even thought about it? This IS the book for anyone starting blacksmithing, or even for someone already at an intermediate skill level. The book answers the most simple yet complex and thought inducing questions confronted by anyone getting started in blacksmithing.