Our website estimates shipping cost, however it can vary from our actual shipping cost. We may choose to use a different shipping service from what was selected at checkout based on the shipping price paid. If you prefer a specific service provider please email or call 423-481-1292 (Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm ET) prior to shipment. Also if you feel like the shipping estimate provided is excessive please contact us for a more accurate shipping estimate. We regularly monitor paid shipping for our orders and will compare them with our actual shipping costs. You may even automatically receive a partial refund once your order ships if we decide that your order was overcharged for shipping.
Shipping Services Include USPS Priority Mail, USPS Ground Advantage and UPS Ground.
If you have an address with a PO Box you will need to select USPS shipping at checkout.
Shipping Services Include USPS Priority International, USPS First Class International, UPS Worldwide Expedited and UPS Expedited.
For all returns and exchanges please contact us.
Phone (423) - 481 - 1292